Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Some news

Hi beautiful people,

Due to work issues, I've been having trouble updating this blog as often as I would like to. It's getting tougher to string coherent sentences together into paragraphs (it seems!) and I don't like the feeling of being obliged to write something just so that I don't let people down.

Know what I mean?

So, I thought, maybe twitter would be a better option for me. I'm really grateful and happy to have known so many beautiful people in the past year of blogging here. Thanks for all your comments and tips.

I would return here, as and when I really need to write something (long! ;P) but if you would like to keep in touch, in between those looooong periods of silence, pls go to

Blessings to all!

Hugs & kisses,

Now playing: Ra. D - I`m in love (Piano RMX)
via FoxyTunes